Ever feel like you struggle to find your voice? We mean literally. When you first wake in the morning it might take a few minutes before the frog in your throat hops off elsewhere and you can talk in a relatively normal voice. In the summer when it’s hot and you open your mouth to say something and a high pitched squeak comes out. Even in the winter, when you’ve got the central heating on full whack, and all you can muster is a hoarse grunt!
This is down to a combination of mild dehydration and a dry atmosphere. As talking is usually second nature – something we do without thinking about it – it can be difficult to remember that our vocal chords need good hydration in order to function just like the rest of our body.
There are a few factors that can impede our ability to speak clearly and which contribute to ‘drying out’ or dehydrating our vocal chords.
If you are suffering from a dry throat when you speak, you’re almost certainly dehydrated already. Drink water regularly, rather than just when you’re thirsty. After all, you will rarely see an artist singing on stage who doesn’t have a bottle of water to hand. When your voice is your livelihood you need to look after it!