
5 Ways To Detox This January Cooleraid Has The Answers

Cooleraid • 04/01/2016

It’s the start of January, so naturally we’re all feeling a little heavier than usual after treating ourselves to one too many mince pies and glasses of wine over the festive period. If you don’t fancy being part of the yearly crowd that flock to the gym in January with good intentions, only to throw the towel in by mid-February, then why not make some smaller, long lasting changes?

Here are our five ways to detox this January, and beyond!

Drink more Water!

Ok we might be biased but it is extremely important that you keep your body topped up with plenty of water. You probably haven’t seen much of this clear substance that comes from the tap over Christmas, especially with all that alcohol and fizzy drinks on offer. It’s time to up your water intake, try to drink 8 glasses a day to keep your organs in function and your brain hydrated. Water is also linked to weight loss too, so now there’s no excuse!

De-clutter your Life

A tidy room is a tidy mind, well so they say. A detox doesn’t necessarily mean healthy eating, ensure you start your year feeling refreshed. Take a day to clear out all the unnecessary rubbish lying around your house and have a good spring clean. It’s amazing how motivated it can make you feel, giving you that push you need to start off your year as you mean to go on!

Try out some Yoga

Yoga is great not only for physical change, for example weight loss and toning but also for your mental state. It’s a great relaxer, and encourages great overall wellness. We live increasingly fast paced, busy and hectic lives so it’s important that we take just 30 minutes out from our days to de-clutter the mind and drift away. There are lots of DVDs and YouTube videos (which are free) out there for you to give it a go, you don’t even need to leave the house for this one!

Up your Organisation

So now you’ve cleared out your home of rubbish and meaningless tatt, it’s time to think about your day-to-day organisation. Life probably got a bit hectic towards the end of 2015 and let’s face it, Christmas hysteria takes over and we become a little carefree. Now is the time to tie up any loose ends, and get your organisation into place. Whether it be workload, bills, finances or a new project, invest in a yearly planner, file organisers and a few ring binders to help get your affairs in order.

Adjust your Eating

This is easier said than done, as today many of us rely on convenience foods due to our busy schedules. Try and introduce time into your week to prepare healthier meals for your lunches. Smaller changes are more likely to stick around rather than attempting to overhaul your eating habits in one go. Why not try cutting out takeaways for the month of January and try and see how long you can go without your dominos fix? Incorporate more veggies into your life, and if kale isn’t your thing why not try and whizz it up in a daily smoothie? You can even take it on your commute to work.

It’s all about sustainable change, and by introducing small adjustments into your routine, it will set you off for a positive rest of your year!

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