Esnart Malango is just one of many students embarking on the next stage of her education thanks to The Lifeline Fund supported by Cooleraid, and she speaks very highly of its work saying “I strongly believe that without Lifeline my life could have been completely miserable until I died!”
Esnart has just graduated as a qualified teacher after Lifeline supported her through Primary School all the way through to College, and her dreams don’t stop there. Esnart says “I believe that being a teacher is not the end of my education, and that one day I will be the holder of a degree”.
By supporting The Lifeline Fund, Cooleraid is able to bring education to so many hopeless children with all the essentials included a long the way, even providing food and drink. It gives these children hope and Esnart describes herself as a “living witness” of what The Lifeline Fund and Cooleraid has done for herself and many others.
To find out more about the Lifeline Fund or if you are interested in helping, please contact John Searle on 01223 276710.