
Top Tips For Staying Hydrated This Summer Cooleraid Is Here To Help

Cooleraid • 23/07/2015

Our bodies rely on water for everyday survival. We need water to function and for our overall health, it does make up over 50% of our bodies after all! It’s a vital component for our growth and development, and is the most abundant nutrient in our body.

There are endless benefits to drinking water, did you know that it can prevent fluid retention? If your body goes into dehydration mode it will naturally retain every drop of water to survive. By regularly drinking water you can relieve this retention and ensure your body doesn’t feel under threat.

Water also allows us to control our temperature regulation, protect our sensitive tissue and remove waste from the body. In the summer our bodies lose water at a faster rate so it’s recommended that you up your H20 intake in warmer weather. Even if you don’t feel thirsty, it’s important that you drink a healthy amount of water to keep your body happy and avoid fatigue, resulting in increased efficiency and performance.

If you’re struggling to keep your hydration levels on the up, why not check out our handy tips below!

Carry a water bottle! It may seem obvious but it’s not always something we remember to grab before leaving the house, especially when we’re in a rush. Invest in a BPA free bottle such as a Bobble bottle which also contains a carbon filter to remove chlorine and other contaminants.

Spice up your water! If you find water tasteless and a little boring then why not jazz it up a little. Add some sliced lemon, orange or other fruit of your choice to add a little flavour and extra health boost. You can also invest in bottles which allow you to add fruit and drink your infused water on the go. Now there’s no excuse not to enjoy water!

Download an app for your smart phone! It’s easy and you can usually find one for free. Waterlogged and Daily Water Free are great examples and will track your daily water intake and remind you if you need to top up. Great if you can be a little forgetful.

Set yourself a goal! Tell yourself how many glasses of water you want to aim to drink every day and try and hit this target. Steadily increase it and before you know it you’ll be drinking your recommended 8-10 glasses of water a day.

Enjoy it chilled! There’s nothing worse than a warm glass of water. Our mains-fed water coolers are the perfect addition for any office, allowing you to enjoy an unlimited supply of chilled and refreshing water.

We hope these tips help and offer some inspiration for your water intake! Good luck, enjoy the sunshine but remember to keep drinking water and stay hydrated!

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